NE Bytes

Microsoft Technology Usergroup in the North East of England.

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Speed through red tape with Office 365 Approvals

This month we have Dylan Hayes talking O365 Approvals and Machine Learning

Dylan Hayes

Most businesses would like to replace existing paper based processes, but are daunted by the cost and inflexibility of custom development or niche products, especially in today's fast changing world. Building solutions around Office 365 Approvals allows power users and developers to quickly respond to business needs. The talk will demonstrate using various Office 365 components such as Forms, Flow and SharePoint together to streamline and automate common administrative tasks within an organisation. Along the way we'll build solutions to cover typical tasks like onboarding new starters, getting users to read and accept company policy documents, and processing Health and Safety forms.


Unfortunately, our second speaker has had to pull out at short notice because of a family health issue. He will be back later in the year or early next year to do the talk on design for developers.