NE Bytes

Microsoft Technology Usergroup in the North East of England.

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Real world DevOps with Azure and VSTS

This month we are very happy to welcome back MVPs Richard Fennell and Rik Hepworth from Black Marble to talk DevOps:

The dream of any DevOps solution is to make the provisioning and deployment to environments seamless. In this session we will show you how this dream can be achieved using the latest advances in Visual Studio Team Services and Azure.

We will show how you can use utilise Azure Resource Templates to define your environment then the latest features of VSTS Release Management to create an end to end deployment of you environment and application, with appropriate testing.

We will also discuss how these techniques could potentially be used for on-premises scenarios now and in the future.

We're meeting in Campus North's Auditorium, through the back of Bunker Coffee and Kitchen on the corner of Carliol Square. Come along from 18:00 and grab a drink - the presentation will start at 18:30.

We'll look forward to seeing you there.