NE Bytes

Microsoft Technology Usergroup in the North East of England.

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Power BI and Azure Cognitive Services

Making Sense of Power BI

Power BI, Microsoft’s flagship BI frontend tool, builds on a time tested approach of using rich visual interactive interfaces to help users visualise and make sense of data. This session we shall examine the use of features, some which are bright spanking new such as Heat maps but also not so new but equally interesting such as streaming. If time permits we shall dare to hack a custom visual and see where that gets us.

Piyush Shah

Piyush is a Cloud Solutions Architect who works at Insight and delivers technical solutions, these days largely utilising services in the cloud. With industry experience spanning more than two decades, he evangelises various topics from development to databases and analytics to enterprise architecture.


Real World Problem Solving with Azure Cognitive Services

This session is aimed at those who are interested in Azure Cognitive Services and how it can be applied to solve real world problems.

Firstly what we mean by Azure Cognitive Services? And how does it relate to the long and sometimes legendary history of what has previously been termed "Artificial Intelligence"? Once past the Terminator and HAL 9000 quotes, we can then examine how cognitive services actually work, and how it is composed of distinct services that each solve particular problems.

Then we'll discuss the many services in more detail, and take the time to do some demos of interesting services such as image recognition, sentiment analysis and content moderation and see how they cope (or not) with real world data.

Dylan Hayes

I am employed as a Tech Lead specialising in Office 365 by Blacklight Software, a IT company in Wakefield near Leeds. I came to the information technology profession via an long and interesting road, which left me with a passion for solving business problems with technology. Along the way I’ve worked with a lot of different technologies but right now I spend my days applying SharePoint and Office 365 to customer challenges. When I’m not at work I enjoy being outdoors, and am a keen if not especially fast runner. Feel free to ask me about my Friday commute.