NE Bytes

Microsoft Technology Usergroup in the North East of England.

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This month we have Kevin Smith to talk about Mongo DB

A more flexible way to store your data with MongoDB

If you've been anywhere near software development, the norm is to store your data in a relational form, but what if there was a different way?

We will take a look at the history of MongoDB and why it continues to be a trending database year on year. We will then go into the advantages of having a flexible document model and how we can utilize MongoDB for our application storage.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is a Microsoft MVP and a technology enthusiast. He runs 2 user groups in the north, dotnet York and dotnetsheff, and casually speaks at user groups. He is passionate about sharing knowledge and helping in the community, likewise, he is keen to contribute to open source projects. He has worked across a broad range of domains including; logistics, law, travel, finance and analytics.