NE Bytes

Microsoft Technology Usergroup in the North East of England.

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Graphing The Backbone Rickshaw

Join North East Bytes for our eleventh event of 2013 where we are delighted to welcome local speaker, Richard Powell to give us the run down of graphing using D3, Backbone and Rickshaw!

Graphs With Backbone, Rickshaw and D3

Recently I had the pleasure of re-architecting Server Density's graphs using D3, Rickshaw and Backbone.js. In this technical talk I'm going to review: the backend API's, the data structure, the Backbone Architecture and why Rickshaw should be the go-to library for time-series graphs.

Most importantly though I'm going to talk about all these parts fit together to give the user graphs that provide real insight and make debugging a breeze. At the end of this session you will know everything you need to make your own highly interactive time-series graphs using backbone & Rickshaw.

Richard is a Front-End Developer from Newcastle with 6 years experience. Richard runs jQuery & Backbone workshops and builds complex UI's for @serverdensity. He also enjoys hacking around with RoR & Node.JS, which probably makes him quite hipster.

Richard is a fan of snowboarding, going to the gym, Formula 1 and Canada.


The event will be hosted in Room 1.02 of Claremont Tower at Newcastle University. For a detailed campus map -

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